Friday, October 5, 2007

Wednesday at the park

Jake and I went to the park at Scarborough yesterday to meet some other yummy mummys and have lunch and a play. Jake was particularly excited because one of his harem was there - Isabella.

Isabella is so cute and is about 3 months older than Jake and is starting to speak. At the moment Jake is a dog, her favourite word for babies, but sometimes she does get his name out as well.

I have been struggling lately to get Jake to eat finger food veges and meat and he even refuses to eat hot chips - which isn't a bad thing - and hot chips are apparently a kiddies' favourite!

Well that all changed yesterday...

Jake saw Isabella eating chips and decided that he would too and proceeded to eat Megan's (Isabella's mum) and then mine. He's very funny and crawls around with the chip hanging out of the corner of his mouth like a cigar!

And of course Jake monopolised the ball..
. his favourite toy is a ball or in the absence of a ball I keep a supply of balloons in my bag and he will play with that. I just love him at the moment he is such good company and entertainment - we laugh and play all day!

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