Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tuesday at the park

We have had such a busy week this week - and Jake has been working the blanket at every picnic!

Tuesday we met up with some more yummy m
ummys on the Gold Coast at a park in Robina. There was Claire with her new Joshie, only a week old, and Sam her second youngest; Bernie and her daughter Aoiffe and Gill with the gorgeous Eden... Jake's latest prey.

Right is Gill and Miss Eden Skye

There is
Claire, Sam and you can see Joshie's pink Feet.

Here is Aioffe
(pronounce Eeeefer) a sweet little rose peering down the tunnel at us!

And the beautifully pouty Miss Pie, Eden Skye.

Jake has decided that Eden is his girl of the moment and once he finds a girl, he grabs her and won't let her go!!!

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