Thursday, August 16, 2007

when Jake met Millie ...

Before Jake joined us there was Daggles, myself and Millicent Jane - Millie the Manx.
Millie joined our family a few months after we lost our pusser of 86 cat years Chino. He was old and slow and .... basically a catankerous old geriatric! I was in my early pregnancy and really missed his company.

So we went on line to the RSPCA web site to look at the cats and see what was available. Initially I wanted to adopt another old cat because sadly these are usually the last ones to find a home. Then I saw Miss Frowny Face and fell in love. Daggles thought she was ugly and strange (because she had no tail). So we kept looking through - although "Stumpy" (her kennel name) stayed in the back of my mind - and decided to "wait and see" when we got to the shelter.

Well needless to say Daggles fell in love with the petite sweet little cat that looked at him with her big eyes and gave a pitiful little squeak. Then she got home! We were used to being owned by an old cat with a bung hip and now we had an olympic athlete! Millie chose her sleeping place - my head, pillow or on my face - and started to make herself at home.

When we started setting up the nursery Millie decided to start "testing" it out. The change table got her tick of approval - as long as she could look out of the window and recline on a cot blanket.

The cot also got tested and was found extremely comfortable!
Needless to say I was in big trouble
when Daggles saw the pics I had taken, but she looked sooooo comfortable I couldn't bear to move her!

Poor Millie had her nose put out a little when I was in hospital because she was at home on her own (after having me home for 8 weeks) AND she was not allowed outside unsupervised. Every time Darren came home from the hospital there would be a sad little face looking out the window waiting for someone to come and play.

Daggles and Millie love to play in the tunnel together!

So Jake came home and Millie, Jake and I had a lovely afternoon nap together. At the beginning he was just a noisy smelly thing that occupied Millie's daytime playtime. She basically tolerated him in her space.... but now....

....well Jake is crawling and Millie is a tease - she walks past just out of his reach so he tries to lunge for her and she runs away! So he tries to follow her and she jumps into the nappy box or tunnel and then they both play with the box! They are becoming good friends - luckily Millie has no tail to pull, but she does need to have regular manicures in case of claws!

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